Paducah High - Class of '59

50th Reunion

Poem For the Class of '59 Reunion

Did you say 50 years?

We graduated 50 years ago from high school you say,

I can't believe that the years have flown by that way.

We have changed from the teens we were that day,

But how much life we have lived between then and today!


As small as the classes were at Paducah High,

We were large in pursuit of our dreams to try,

Many moved away to work or school,

But some stayed to “hold down the fort” and that is cool.


Some went out to change the world through education,

Some went to work for God and it was more than recreation.

Many found life's twists and turns are many,

All found that sometimes difficulties are plenty.


So, we knew each other the way we were back when,

We are different people in many ways from then,

Each has dealt with life in his/her own way,

All have stories to tell and may or may not share their day.


In any case, we were all a part of something called High School,

We studied and to complete the work so we could go to the pool,

As we worked and played and socialized,

Keeping in touch was harder than we realized.


As the years have passed and we have aged a little,

Some have wrinkles and some a little larger around the middle,

We are who we are partly because of the experience we knew

And , hopefully, we can find in each other that old friendships can renew.