(IF you know of anyone needing our prayers, let me know)
Please response with care and love.
Sandra (Rodgers) Boyd who is fighting her second round with cancer.
A recent note from Sandra:
Thanks for your good thoughts. About all I'm doing health-wise now is trying to stay positive and take radiation treatments daily until 30 have been done. Then, I guess I'll go to Lubbock to see a doctor there who is having some luck with my kind of cancer. The treatments will be worked out between him and my doctor here, so they will be done here. Only time will tell. I'm planning on the reunion, and have already done some Christmas shopping for next year.
Sandy Boyd
Latest(4/9/09) note from Sandra:
Who needs to breathe? Ha! I have my brain MRI tomorrow (that is the first place my kind of cancer likes to move to), and a full body scan on 4-20, then we will know what course of action we take from here. I'm probably going to go to Phoenix, some doctor my doctor is discussing my case with, but may end up just staying here and taking another round of some kind of chemo. I'm having a little more trouble breathing now than before, but not bad, just the effects of the radiation burning good as well as bad tissue on my lung. Laughter is great medicine.
If I'm sending too much, let me know.
Love you, Sandy
A couple of updates from Sandra:
April 14, 2009
I got the results of the MRI of the brain today and two items of good news -- they found a brain, and they found it to be normal!! CT scan of the body next Monday (and we all already know I have a body) -- will report on that when report is ready.
Love to all,
April 22, 2009
I didn't get quite as good news on my body scan -- good news is that the cancer has not spread to any other organs, and the radiation caused the tumor to shrink to 2.0 cm; bad news is that there is a new one in the upper part of the same lung that is 4.4 cm. I go to Phoenix on Monday to a research facility to see if there is anything they can offer me in the way of treatment or a clinical trial.
Keep your chins up, keep me in your prayers, and know that I love each of you.
News From My Sister (Sandra Rodgers Boyd) April 27, 2009
Having expected to hear something from my sister at 4:30 and waiting until 6:30 when she finally called, I had predicted the worst--that she'd gotten bad news and wasn't able to talk about it. However, she didn't get out of her appointment until 6:30 and I knew when I heard her voice that she had good news!
She's been accepted into a trial treatment of medication that cuts off oxygen to the tumor; small cell lung cancer which she has thrives on oxygen--as do many other types of cancer. She will be going back to Scottsdale for the next four Mondays, the last of which she'll be given scans to see if the tumors have decreased in size. If they have, she'll stay where she is; if not, she'll move into a different trial. This could last for up to 7 months. She has HOPE, not for lots of years, but a longer life than her El Paso doctor had prepared her for. It was wonderful to hear the excitement and hope in her voice.
Today has been a very long day; I was so afraid she'd just be sent home to "get right with her maker," as the saying goes. Thank you for your good thoughts and prayers; she still needs them. These are just "trials" so the outcomes aren't definite, but so much better than being told there is nothing else to try.
Love to all,