Henery 'Hank' White |
Little Hank |
Class of 1959 Paducah High Graduate. After graduation I worked for Panhandle Compress. I married Patsy Ribble of Crowell August 26, 1960. I owned and operated Enco Gas Station in Crowell from June 1, 1960 through May 31, 1962. I was them employed by West Texas Utilities June 4, 1962 until I retired due to my wife's bad health on June 4, 1998. Pat and I had three children: Pamela Logan born June 16, 1961; Jeffery White born January 19,1965; and Cristi Davis born January 8, 1968. Cristi gave me three grandsons and Pamela gave me one granddaughter. Pat died July 25, 1999. I was reunited to my high school sweetheart (Billye Ruth) and we were married January 27, 2000. After she retired in March of that year we retuned to Paducah. I remained retired until I was asked by the County Judge to became the Justice of the Peace. I finished out the eight months remaining until election time in November and was then elected for the two years remaining of this term. I am looking forward to seeing all of our classmates. |
Senior Year
A Paducah Dragon |
Hank and Billye Ruth (2004) |
Hank at work |
Hank's youngest daughter, Cristi and her husband, Andy Davis, and three sons, Jerrod, Justin, and Josh. The girl is Justin's significant other. |
Hank's Granddaughter - Jessica Logan |
Hank's daughter Pam, husband Scott, grand daughter Jessica |
Hank's son Jeff